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Identity Protocol JS-SDK reference

The Rarimo SDK identity packages provide tools for the identity protocol.


The @rarimo/shared-zkp-iden3 package provides constants, types, and tools other packages used for identity functionality.


The @rarimo/auth-zkp-iden3 package provides tools that authenticate a zero-knowledge proof and provide verifiable credentials from it.

Usage example:

import { AuthZkp } from '@rarimo/auth-zkp-iden3'
import { type Identity } from '@rarimo/identity-gen-iden3'

* define type with variable to proof,
* verifiableCredentials response will keep this variable in credentialSubject
type QueryVariableName = { isNatural: number }

const getVerifiableCredentials = async (identity: Identity) => {
* Setup config is necessary to let AuthZkp works properly
// rpc url where statev2 contract is deployed
RPC_URL: '',
// statev2 contract address
STATE_V2_ADDRESS: '0x134B1BE34911E39A8397ec6289782989729807a4',
// api url of issuer svc
const authProof = new AuthZkp<QueryVariableName>(identity)

const verifiableCredentials = await authProof.getVerifiableCredentials()


The @rarimo/identity-gen-iden3 package provides tools to generate distributed identities for the Iden3 protocol.

Usage example:

const identity = await Identity.create()


The @rarimo/zkp-gen-iden3 package provides tools to generate zero-knowledge proofs for the Iden3 protocol.

Usage example:

import { CircuitId, ZkpGen, ZkpOperators } from '@rarimo/zkp-gen-iden3'
import { type Identity } from '@rarimo/identity-gen-iden3'
import { type VerifiableCredentials } from '@rarimo/auth-zkp-iden3'

* define type with variable to proof,
* verifiableCredentials response will keep this variable in credentialSubject
type QueryVariableName = { isNatural: number }

const getZkProof = async (
identity: Identity,
verifiableCredentials: VerifiableCredentials,
providerAddress: string
) => {
// rpc url where statev2 contract is deployed
RPC_URL: '',
// statev2 contract address
STATE_V2_ADDRESS: '0x134B1BE34911E39A8397ec6289782989729807a4',
// api url of issuer svc

const zkProof = new ZkpGen<QueryVariableName>({
* In zkp environment, every prove request should have a unique requestId
* by using this requestId, issuer svc can identify the request
requestId: '1',
* Identity generated by @rarimo/identity-gen-iden3
identity: identity,
* Verifiable credentials generated by @rarimo/auth-zkp-iden3
verifiableCredentials: verifiableCredentials,

* Challenge is a random string for example user metamask address without '0x'
challenge: String(providerAddress).substring(2),

* Query is a json object with variable to proof
query: {
* variableName is the name of variable to proof
variableName: 'isNatural',
* operator is the operator to compare the variable with value
operator: ZkpOperators.Equals,
* value is the value to compare with variable
value: ['1'],

circuitId: CircuitId.AtomicQueryMTPV2OnChain,

issuerId: config.ISSUER_ID,

await zkProof.generateProof()
