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What is Rarimo

Rarimo is a privacy-first social protocol that seamlessly combines various identity standards on-chain and off-chain and allows the formation of a private yet verifiable history of their use and relations.

At the heart of the Rarimo Social Protocol are three design pillars:

  1. Control. Users should have exclusive authority over managing their identity and social graph. Only the user decides what information to disclose and when.
  2. Privacy. Sensitive data must remain inaccessible to third parties. The user should decide what information to share, when, and with whom. While some protocols may require verifying the user's uniqueness and humanity, this should not compromise the privacy of personal information.
  3. Compatibility. The digital identity solution should support various industry standards, such as W3C DID credentials, soulbound tokens (SBTs), ENS records, etc. Each of these identity formats offers unique advantages. Therefore, the social protocol must allow interoperability among them. Additionally, it should support both off-chain and on-chain verification methods.

Rarimo aims to solve these challenges by providing a robust baselayer and a diverse toolset of identity subprotocols.

Rarimo architecture

Rarimo Core

The Rarimo Core is a decentralized blockchain-based system designed for timestamping, storing, and updating identity states and social relations that other networks and protocols can use. It is maintained by a set of validators that achieve consensus using the BFT-based delegated Proof-of-Stake mechanism. The chain has instant finality and supports EVM-compatible smart contracts. Additionally, Rarimo Core allows the efficient on-demand propagation of identity states over connected networks using decentralized oracles.

Social Protocol

The Social Protocol aims to enable the creation of private social graphs consisting of user actions and interactions. These actions are invisible to the public until their owner selectively discloses them using zero-knowledge proofs. A few examples of such proofs are:

  • Proving a credential and attestation ownership at a particular time.
  • Proving that a particular user or a group initiated some actions.
  • Proving that some claims or passports belong to one identity.
  • Proving that the user is a member of a specific group.

The social protocol consists of two key sub-protocols:

  1. An Iden3 protocol implementation for issuing identity statements in a W3C DID Verifiable Credential format. The credentials contain parts of social graphs, such as user profile details, likes, group memberships, reputation scores, etc. Users may disclose some attributes of these credentials using zero-knowledge proofs, both on-chain and off-chain.
  2. Passport-derived profiles enable users to establish an identity solely with their government-issued biometric documents without needing a third-party issuer. With these profiles, users verify their humanity, assert their uniqueness, or selectively disclose some passport attributes, such as citizenship or being of legal age, using zero-knowledge proofs. Iden3 identity providers can track passport revocation events and automatically revoke or reissue Verifiable Credentials.


Rarimo provides a set of applications that leverage the Rarimo Core and Social Protocol to offer a seamless user experience. These applications include:

  • RariMe: An identity wallet that allows users to manage their digital identity and social relations, generate zero-knowledge proofs, and much more. It is available as a mobile app and a MetaMask snap.
  • Freedom Tool: A ZK-enabled tool for transparent and privacy-preserving online voting.
  • Proof of Humanity: Aggregates the most popular proof of humanity solutions into a single interface available on and off-chain.
  • Polygon ID State Replication: Scales the use of Polygon ID credentials to any EVM-compatible chain on demand.
  • World ID State Replication: Scales the use of WolrdID proofs to any EVM-compatible chain on demand.