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ZK Socials

What is ZK Socials?

ZK Socials is a privacy-preserving solution that utilizes zkTLS to establish ZK Registries based on Web2 data. This makes it ideal for use cases such as bridging credentials from the legacy web to Web3.

Why ZK Socials?

While zkTLS solutions provide a secure way to generate attestations of Web2 data, they often come with a complex user experience. Integrating these attestations into a ZK Registry makes them instantly reusable, composable, and anonymous, significantly enhancing usability.

How does it work?

Using ZK Socials follows these steps:

  1. The user obtains an attestation via a zkTLS protocol of their choice.
  2. The user submits a ZK proof of attestation's validity to a permissionless ZK Registry, which verifies it on-chain and records it in the registry.
  3. Once the attestation is stored, the user can generate ZK proofs of inclusion for any DApps that require them.

Use case: X Blue Checkmark registry

A prediction market Openion has integrated ZK Socials to check X Blue Checkmarks. To withdraw rewards, users must verify their X account using zkPass and submit a ZK proof of membership in the Blue Checkmark ZK Registry.

How can I start building using ZK Socials?

ZK Socials is open for builders and is currently seeking early adopters. Please get in touch with us on X.