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Guide: Use ZK Passport to verify citizenship off-chain

Before getting started with implementing the citizenship check, let’s quickly review all the steps of the process on the diagram below.

Basically, it goes likes this:

  1. User installs the RariMe App and scans the passport
  2. Scan a QR-code in the DApp
  3. Gets prompted to generate a proof of eligibility in RariMe App
  4. The app submits the proof to the callback URL(specified in the QR code) for verification
  5. DApp backend fetches the verification status and citizenship data from a REST API

You can check out this flow in the sandbox: ZK Passport Demo



You can use this public instance of verifier-svc for testing:

To get started, you SHOULD deploy your own instance of This service encapsulates proof verification and provides a convenient REST API for requesting parameters for the QR code, checking the user verification status, etc. You need to trust the instance of verifier-svc so the best option is to host your own instance.

API docs: verificator-svc | ReDoc

Step #1: Ask the user to install RariMe App and scan the passport

Links for installation:

Step #2: Render a QR code with a verification request in your app

To request data for the QR code, you need to call this endpoint on the verifier-svc:

The following JS snippet gets data for a QR code for a passport verification with a uniqueness check on:

const verificatorUrl = '' // your verificator-svc instance URL
const body = {
data: {
type: "user",
// Some public and unique user ID
// Will be used to fetch status later
id: "some-user-id",
attributes: {
// Denotes the application and activity that is requesting the verification
event_id: "citizenship_verification",
// Let a single passport pass verification just once
uniqueness: true

const response = await fetch(

headers: {
'Accept': 'application/vnd.api+json',
'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.api+json',
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(body),
const { data } = await response.json()
// Proof Params URL for RariMe app
const proofParamsUrl = data.attributes.get_proof_params
const encodedUrl = encodeURIComponent(proofParamsUrl)
// Render this data in a QR code:
const qrCodeContent = `rarime://external?type=light-verification&proof_params_url=${encodedUrl}`)
const verificatorUrl = '' // your verifier-svc instance URL
const body = {
data: {
type: "user",
// Some public and unique user ID
// Will be used to fetch status later
id: "some-user-id",
attributes: {
// Denotes the application and activity that is requesting the verification
event_id: "citizenship_verification",
// Let a single passport pass verification just once
uniqueness: true

const response = await fetch(

headers: {
'Accept': 'application/vnd.api+json',
'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.api+json',
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(body),
const { data } = await response.json()
// Proof Params URL for RariMe app
const proofParamsUrl = data.attributes.get_proof_params
const encodedUrl = encodeURIComponent(proofParamsUrl)
// Render this data in a QR code:
const qrCodeContent = `rarime://external?type=light-verification&proof_params_url=${encodedUrl}`)

Some notes:

  • event_id is an arbitrary string that denotes the application scope of the proof, should be something like APP_ID:ACTION_ID
  • id is a public unique ID associated with a user within your system. It will be used in Step #3 to check the user status

After scanning the QR code, the user will complete the verification in RariMe App.

Step #3: Check the user status

You can fetch the verification status for a particular id from this endpoint:

Here is a JS snippet for doing this

const backendUrl = ''
const userId = 'some-user-id' // the `id` from step #2

const response = await fetch(`${backendUrl}/integrations/verification-svc/light/private/verification-status/${userId}`)
const { data } = await response.json()

// responseUserId === userId
const responseUserId =

// Verification status enum:
// - "not_verified" - user is not verified
// - "verified" - user is verified
// - "failed_verification" - user verification failed
// - "uniqueness_check_failed" - user uniqueness check failed
const verificationStatus = data.attributes.status

If the user has status verified, you can fetch the verified citizenship code like this:

const response = await fetch(`${backendUrl}/integrations/verification-svc/light/private/user/${userId}`)
const { data } = await response.json()

// ISO 3166 alpha-3 country code:
// Note: German passports may have a single-letter "D" code
const citizenshipISOCode = data.attributes.nationality // e.g. "UKR"